The actress, who has been stalked and manhandled courtesy her seriously sexy image, had a funny incident at the Bangalore airport. The star tweeted, "Hving my yum strawberry green tea n thn hve A couple of race against time A couple of get ready for my fligh A couple of bengaluru! It is my parents anniversary today! yay?!" A few hours later Bipasha mentioned, "Funniest point happened at BLR airport entrance! 1 aunty pulled me dwn virtually pinned me to smooch me! Somehow I was saved! Near escape!" She even tweeted that that is not her very first incident with a female fan. "Sri Lanka for IIFA I was saying hello A couple of ppl outside d hotel, 1 girl pulled my hand n bit my finger hard! But today's aunty shocked me more!" Looks like that is one star who needs for getting her human body parts insured!
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