Siddharth Anand's newest movie on Chetan Bhagat's novel A couple of States apparently has Deepika Padukone replacing Priyanka Chopra. Director Siddharth Anand had announced his newest movie a few days back, also stating that Saif Ali Khan will probably be playing the male lead. Wherever as the female lead is yet being decided. While Priyanka Chopra was earlier signed as the female lead, the actress has now been replaced by Deepika. If this is genuinely true, then the audience will once more be seeing the Adore Aaj Kal pair on-screen. A source informed that producer Sajid Nadidwala and director Siddharth consider that Deepika Padukone is a better choice for the role of the South Indian girl than Priyanka. The makers on the film aren't revealing a thing on records. NDTV
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