Actor-producer and show host Karan Johar broke down when most effective buddy Shah Rukh Khan spoke about his former close friends Farah Khan and Salman Khan. "SRK's episode with KJo is emotional exactly where Shah Rukh Khan has been caught in a mellow, introspective mood. He's emotionally vulnerable, revealing items that have hurt him during the last year," mentioned a source during the Koffee With Karan sets. The source says, "When Karan pointed out that people consider that old close friends Farah and Salman have a difficulty with Shah Rukh, he said: 'I do not know how to build close friends and if I do, I do not know how to preserve them.... If Salman and Farah are upset with me it is 100 per cent my fault but I can't select up the phone and say sorry.... I can't apologise not as a result of ego but because I can't just get myself to ask people to arrive back to me... I had asked my parents to arrive back and they didn't...'." King...
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