Two Sundays ago, actor Shah Rukh Khan bared his heart in a solo appearance on Koffee With Karan Season 3, a celebrity chat show on TV, anchored by producer-director-fashion designer Karan Johar. But SRK’s statements like, “If things are not great between Salman and me, I think it’s my fault,” haven’t gone down to well with his friend-turned-foe Salman Khan. “Shah Rukh and I can’t patch up. If he was really sorry or felt that whatever happened was his fault, he could have always walked up to my house, knocked on my door and said whatever he had to say. He could have even called or messaged me in private. But it’s no point going on national television and making statements. It was too dramatic,” says Salman. “After this, I don’t ever want to patch up with him. Period.” SRK-SalmanThe actors first had a face-off of sorts on the sets of SRK’s Chalte Chalte, after which Aishwarya Rai, Salman’s then girlfriend, was replaced with Rani Mukherji. The two subsequently made up at common friend Far...
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