People know him by many names like King Khan, Badshah, super star, and now he has become the richest Bollywood actor too. You can have an estimate of his wealth through this news that for a brief appearance of 10-minute on New Year eve in Gurgaon King Khan was reportedly paid Rs 5 crore. He endorses 34 brands of worth Rs 238 cr. He charges Rs 7-crore for each advertisement. About SRK, Dish TV COO Salil Kapoor, said “What impressed me most was his knowledge of consumer behavior and marketing. He could easily give a lecture at an IIM on the subject,” Recently Shah Rukh was seen in Karan Johar’s movie ‘My Name is Khan’ in which he played the role of an autistic Muslim man from Mumbai. According to an estimate, the movie added at least Rs 10 crore to SRK’s kitty. According to the source SRK charges around Rs. 12 crore or share of the profit, to act in a film. He also owns Red Chillies Entertainment production house and IPL Criket team Kolkata Knight Riders of worth Rs 500 crore. His abunda...
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