Hot Actress Megan Fox tied the knot with her longtime boyfriend, “Beverly Hills, in Hawaii late last week, reported on Monday. The pair tied the knot during a modest ceremony at the Four Seasons Resort on the state's Large Island, according to the website. Staff at the hotel had been not able to confirm the report, and Fox's publicist did not right away return an e-mail seeking comment.
Fox, 24, and Green, 36, reportedly got engaged for your second time at the exact same hotel earlier this month. They met in 2004, got engaged in 2006, but named it off in early 2009.
It was the very first marriage for both, while Green has an 8-year-old son with actress Vanessa Marcil. Megan Fox looks inside comic-book adaptation Jonah Hex. Last month, she was suddenly dropped inside cast of Transformers Three just as production was about to begin. Green has worked steadily in a series of low-profile film and TV projects simply because the well-liked teen soap Beverly Hills, 90210 ended in 2000.
ohhhh she is heartthrob and I love her. but really wish her all the best for married life.