Filmmaker Mani Ratnam’s ‘Raavan’ may have bombed at the Box Office, but the audience still couldn’t afford to miss watching Aish light up the silver screen with her gorgeousness in the flick. While most of the fans have apparently watched the flick for stunning beauty Ash, heartthrob John Abraham has made it clear that as and when he sees the flick, it’ll only be for Abhishek.
Well, Abhi and John are known to be the best of buddies since ‘Dostana’ days, but it seems that Abhi has managed to find himself a huge fan in John. The duo is all set to fly to London end July beginning August to shoot for the sequel of ‘Dostana’, and John wants to catch up on ‘Raavan’ before he leaves for London.
“I’m a huge Mani Ratnam fan; and I like Abhishek a lot,” says John. Well, guess ‘Raavan’ is best seen only for Abhi’s performance. Good choice John!
John can’t miss ‘Raavan’ as he ‘likes Abhishek a lot’!
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