Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has unveiled the trailer of Hema Malini starrer "Ek Thi Rani Aisi Bhi", which has been penned by the Governor of Goa Mridula Sinha.
The film is based on the book, "Rajpath Se Lok Path Par", an autobiography of erstwhile Maharani of Gwalior Rajmata Vijaya Raje Scindia, who also served as a Member of Parliament multiple times.
"I got an invitation for this on my phone and she asked me to come here. She is the governor of Goa but a great writer too. To honour that, I have come here. Thank you, all. I am privileged to be here," Bachchan told reporters.
Bachchan posed for shutterbugs along with Sinha and filmmaker Prakash Jha, who was also present at the event.
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