Karan Johar has always been close to the talent he has launched be it Varun Dhawan, Sidharth Malhotra or Alia Bhatt. Karan always makes sure to cast each of them whenever a new script knocks his doorsteps and now every filmwallah knows that Alia Bhatt is literally kAran's baby. The actor is very close to his protege and every time Alia does well professional Karan always wishes more for her.
At the recently held award function, Alia won an award and the presenter was her mentor Karan. According to Mumbai Mirror, after Karan handed over the award to Alia he got emotional and said, "She is my second daughter and third child." To which the Badrinath Ki Dulhania actress said that if ever there is a biopic made on the filmmaker then she would play his mother Hiroo. Karan replied to her saying "You aren't Sindhi enough." He further added that she should rather play his childhood friend Twinkle Khanna.
For all those who have come in late, Karan has time and again mentioned that he had a crush on Twinkle since childhood and that Karan assigned the role to Alia just goes on to prove his affection towards Alia.
Now that Karan has already done a major casting in his biopic, somebody makes now needs to make a film on him.
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