Vidya Balan, Gauahar Khan, Pallavi Sharda starrer ‘Begum Jaan’ has created quite a stir with its trailer. The theatrical promo of the film has managed to turn heads, including the audience and the critics alike. The movie circles around the partition of India and Pakistan wherein Vidya plays the titular role of the madam of a brothel.
With the film garnering great reviews on the basis of its trailer and songs already, latest buzz is that the film won’t see the light of the day in Pakistan, owing to it’s storyline. The film unravels harsh realities of the partition era and thus, won’t see a release in the neighbouring country. Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt was quite confident of getting a go ahead in Pakistan because of his friendly ties with the nation, however, faced disappointment.
Bhatt saab had even written to the government of Pakistan to allow the audiences there, but hasn’t heard back, suggests a report in a leading daily. It doesn’t come as a surprise because Pakistan has always been strict with movies that dealt with such issues even in the lighter vein.
In the aftermath of Uri attacks, India has imposed a ban on Pakistani artistes. And thus, given the current situation, the ban on ‘Begum Jaan’ doesn’t shock us at all.
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