'Baahuali: The Conclusion' trailer has clocked in a 100 million views already and is on a record-breaking spree ever since its release. However, despite playing the theatrical promo on loop, we are yet to uncover the greatest mystery - Why did Katappa kill Baahubali?
The question is playing on everyone's mind ever since 'Baahubali: The Beginning" was released and it's sequel was announced. Now with the release date a month away, fans shall finally get to know the real reason behind the Katappa mystery.
However, we must ask, did you watch the trailer over and over again to find any subtle hint or the slightest clue? Guess what, a simple trailer breakdown video has surfaced on YouTube and the makers have brilliantly broken down the trailer element by element and bring forth some relevant questions and points which many of us may have failed to notice.
A YouTube channel called 'Silly Point' has two YouTubers putting the pieces of the puzzle in place so as to reach a conclusion. While their logic and theory may or may not be correct, it does gives a spoiler. And who knows, this might just be the actual answer to the mystery?
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