With Baywatch creating waves at its Miami premiere, desi girl Priyanka Chopra wants to send across a message to fans back home ahead of her first Hollywood film's release. Since her co-stars couldn't visit India for promotions, PeeCee has decided to release a special promo in Hindi featuring her and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
Though it has been hush-hush so far, an insider tells mid-day, "They are also contemplating including a desi song to go with the promo, but haven't been able to zero in on one. Fans can expect the video clip to release later this week."
In an earlier interview, the actress had told us that the film will have only two premieres — in Miami and Berlin. However, if buzz is to be believed, a special Indian premiere is also in the works for which PeeCee will visit Mumbai for a couple of days. Ask those close to her about Dwayne tagging along and they e
cho her, "You never know!"
Priyanka Chopra in a bikini was spotted hanging out with model-friend, Adriana Lima, on Miami beach.
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