In a rare occurrence, a Salman Khan movie is failing to light up the box office, despite being named Tubelight. The major blame should fall on the faulty wiring, sorry I mean, faulty writing and people expecting Salman Khan doing Salman Khan things, that he doesn’t do. So after delivering two mega hits with Kabir Khan in Ek Tha Tiger and Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Tubelight proves to be the undoing of their partnership. Like Jean Grey says in X-Men: Apocalypse, “Everyone knows that the third movie is always the worst.” How true! Even while Salman Khan’s Tubelight will flicker its way to get into the Rs 100 crore club, it will still be considered as a disappointment as the movie has been sold at a high price and yeah, it is a Salman Khan movie, so we do expect at least Rs 200 crores business.
And when a movie falls below expectations, it’s time for Twitter and Facebook to make jokes to celebrate the occasion. So yeah, there have been quite a few jokes and memes trolling Tubelight’s box office performance and for being a disappointing movie. Amidst the jokes, even Shah Rukh Khan and his movie FAN isn’t spared. Here are 10 such jokes and memes that have trolled Tubelight.
And when a movie falls below expectations, it’s time for Twitter and Facebook to make jokes to celebrate the occasion. So yeah, there have been quite a few jokes and memes trolling Tubelight’s box office performance and for being a disappointing movie. Amidst the jokes, even Shah Rukh Khan and his movie FAN isn’t spared. Here are 10 such jokes and memes that have trolled Tubelight.
There seems to be something wrong with Bollywood's electric department. #Tubelight #Fan— mEEr (@wicked_mEEr) June 28, 2017
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