New Delhi: Gorgeous beauty Aishwarya Rai Bachchan recently left the world gasping for breath as she stunned at the Cannes Film Festival. All her looks left many speechless, but it was her Cinderella avatar which took the center stage like none. While all her looks for the day were shared on Twitter and Instagram by L'Oreal Paris India, guess the actress now feels the time is right to join one herself.
According to, Ash might actually join social media sooner than you think. The actress has been quoted as saying, “Thank you for asking me, thinking abhi bhi hope hai. I haven’t forayed into that space yet. But, I think, the time has come for me to join social media because it’s very much the calling. Everyone has been asking me so vehemently and sweetly year after year. Thank you for your enthusiasm, I will surely consider the suggestion.”
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