After the likes of Priyanka Chopra, Shraddha Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Sonakshi Sinha, now Nargis Fakhri is all set to make her singing debut with an international single. Nargis Fakhri has taken a break from movies and has been in Los Angeles for the last eight months, with her last release being Riteish Deshmukh’s musical drama, Banjo. Now we know that she is using this time to train her dulcet tones to make her singing debut. As per reports, Nargis Fakhri has partnered with singer-composer Parichay and Canadian musician Kardinal Offishall for a racy new track.
Currently, the actress, who made her acting debut opposite Ranbir Kapoor in Rockstar, is in Mumbai to promote her singing debut, an Indo-Canadian single, Habitaan Vigaad Di. The song is written by Kumaar and composed by Parichay. Parichay, best known for his racy track Aaj Phir Peene Ki Tamannah Hai from Loveshhuda, will also appear in the song along with reggae artiste and musician Kardinal Offishall, a frequent collaborator with Akon. Nargis has crooned the Punjabi chorus. As per the goss, Parichay is said to have composed two tracks which he sent to Nargis in LA, and Nargis selected the one in which she has to make her singing debut. The video of the song has been filmed in Toronto.
As per the source close to the making of the song, he said, “To give the song an East-meets-West flavour, the team brought mainstream Canadian rap legend Kardinal onboard to record and film with Nargis and Parichay.” The source also revealed that Nargis had to train hard so that her firangi accent doesn’t sound out of the place when she sings the Punjabi lines. He continued, “For the main chorus line, she gave 100 takes because she couldn’t get the Punjabi lyrics right. She made sure to learn the correct pronunciation of every word from Parichay.”
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