Actor Nicole Kidman said she felt out of place after she split from actor and former husband Tom Cruise. Recalling the time when the 50-year-old star won the best actress Oscar for her portrayal of Virginia Woolf in 2003 film The Hours, Kidman said she had no one to celebrate with her, reported The Daily Telegraph.
“I still don’t have a life, what is wrong with me? Who do I jump on the bed with, and order pancakes with?” recounted the Lion actor. The Academy Award-winning actress was married to Cruise for 11 years and the former couple parted ways in 2001. They share daughter Isabella, (24) and son Connor, (22). Kidman is currently married to singer Keith Urban and has two daughters Sunday, 9 and Faith, 7 (through surrogacy).
Recently, the actor celebrated her 50th birthday with friends and family.Talking about her birthday celebrations, she said, “I’ve already been to Australia and saw my mom and it’s too far for her to travel but my sister is coming over with all her children. She has six kids. That’s it for me, I don’t need any big parties; I just need my family around me. If I have my family around me, I am happy.”
On being asked about ageing and turning 50, she cheerfully said, “I’m absolutely embracing it. I try to embrace all parts of my life now because I think you just go wow. I’m so lucky, so blessed. I’m making an effort to go back and see my mum in Australia and spend time with her. I’ve got the whole summer off so I’m just kind of relaxing.” The Big Little Lies actor adds she is looking forward to her birthday celebrations that will include a trip back to her native country, Australia.
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