Katrina Kaif made her Facebook and Instagram debut early this year. The actress enjoying Instagram and posts something very regularly. She is totally hooked to her social media accounts and there were news doing rounds that she might join Twitter, too. Katrina was being damn mysterious when asked about her Twitter debut. The actress told DNA, “Everything will happen in due course of time. I am taking everything, one step at a time. So let’s see. It is definitely on the radar for sure.” Will we see Katrina on Twitter before this year ends? This is definitely one hell of a year for Kat.
Forget signing movies but the actress has had a wonderful journey on social media till now. In fact, she has even been putting up videos and pictures with ex-boyfriend and current co-star, Ranbir Kapoor, on Instagram. She is one celebrity you must definitely follow on social media. You’ll end up getting a lot of fashion inspiration from the actress from her social media account. But we are quite thrilled to know that the actress is going to be on all the important social media platforms. We can’t wait for her to join Twitter. Meanwhile, you guys must check out these Instagram posts of Kat
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