Diwali might have ended but celebrations for Deepika Padukone are still on. The reigning Queen of Bollywood, Ms Padukone was happy to realize that she has crossed the 20 million mark on Instagram. This Bajirao Mastani actress has exactly 20 million followers on the photo-sharing site currently and she was warm enough to thank her followers for the same. She took to her Instagram account to share a cute boomerang video of herself thanking all her fans and followers who gave her a gift in the form of the numbers and a reason to boast about. With these new numbers, she has managed to beat her contemporaries like Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt, Jacqueline Fernandez and even someone as popular and social media friendly like Priyanka Chopra. Also Read: 5 times when Deepika Padukone proved her love for saree
Diwali might have ended but celebrations for Deepika Padukone are still on. The reigning Queen of Bollywood, Ms Padukone was happy to realize that she has crossed the 20 million mark on Instagram. This Bajirao Mastani actress has exactly 20 million followers on the photo-sharing site currently and she was warm enough to thank her followers for the same. She took to her Instagram account to share a cute boomerang video of herself thanking all her fans and followers who gave her a gift in the form of the numbers and a reason to boast about. With these new numbers, she has managed to beat her contemporaries like Katrina Kaif, Alia Bhatt, Jacqueline Fernandez and even someone as popular and social media friendly like Priyanka Chopra. Also Read: 5 times when Deepika Padukone proved her love for saree
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